Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Tuesday Morning/Afternoon

The building across from my apartment. She's so pretty. 
Tuesday afternoons are usually when I try and get a few things done. I woke up this morning debating on either going to the mall to get some vacation shopping done, cleaning my apartment, paying bills or begin packing. I did a few of each. I drove to my local Target, did some shopping, called American Family and payed my bill, than began to clean my room but then just started packing instead. So really, I didn't accomplish one goal in it's entirety but instead got a head start on all of them little by little. May not have been what I had planned, but it worked out nicely. Hopefully tonight when I'm off work I can finish cleaning because this little apartment needs some serious tendre love and care.

In other news, I'm only twenty days away from hoping on a jet plan to FLORIDA. Truly one of my favorite places in the world. I haven't been for roughly two years and I am extremely overdue for some sunshine and quality time spent doing absolutely nothing. #soexcited.

Also, I chopped a good six inches of my locks off. Am I sad? Yeah, I guess I am a little, but when you have fifteen minutes in the morning to be to work, long hair just isn't your friend, especially if each of your three jobs requires you to wear your hair up. It just get's heavy and fairly unattractive.

What else can I inform you of... I'm really freaking exhausted. If I had it my way, I'd be sleeping 30 hours a week and spending my awake time with people who are not co-workers. Why does money have to be such a problem. Again, not something I'd do if I had my ideal life.

Until next time, whenever that'll be.


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